Darevskia defilippii   (CAMERANO, 1877)

Darevskia defilippii   (CAMERANO, 1877)

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  • Ahmadzadeh, F. & Flecks, M. & Carretero, M.A. & Mozaffari, O. & Böhme, W. & Harris, D.J. & Freitas, S. & Rödder, D. (2013) -  Cryptic speciation patterns in Iranian Rock Lizards uncovered by integrative taxonomy. -  PLoS ONE 8 (12): e80563.     

  • Ahmadzadeh, F. & Flecks, M. & Carretero, M.A. & Mozaffari, O. & Böhme, W. & Harris, D.J. & Freitas, S. & Rödder, D. (2013) -  Cryptic speciation patterns in Iranian rock lizards uncovered by integrative taxonomy.  -  In: Žagar, A. (ed.): Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 03 - 06 June 2013, Koper, Slovenia: 13.     

  • Ahmadzadeh, F. & Kheyrandish, A. (2006) -  Lizard biodiversity in northwestern Iran. -  Evironmental Sciences, 3 (11): 43-53.    

  • Ananjeva, N.B. & Orlov, N.L. & Khalikov, R.G. & Darevsky, I.S. & Ryabov, S.A. & Barabanov, A.V. (2006) -  Alborz Lizard Darevskia defilippi (CAMERANO, 1877). -  In: The Reptiles of Northern Eurasia. Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, Bulgaria. p. 83.    

  • Anderson, S.C. (1968) -  Zoogeographic analysis of the lizard fauna of Iran. -  In: The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume I: The Land of Iran. pp. 305-371.   

  • Anderson, S.C. (1974) -  Preliminary key to the turtles, lizards, and amphisbaenians of Iran. -  Fieldiana: Zoology, 65 (4): 27-44.    

  • Anderson, S.C. (1999) -  The lizards of Iran.  -  Contributions to Herpetology Volume 15. Society for he Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Saint Louis/Missouri: i-vii. 442 pp.  

  • Anderson, S.C. (1999) -  Lacerta defilippi (Camerano, 1877). -  In: Lizards of Iran. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Oxford, Ohio: 236-237.  

  • Arribas, O.J. (2012) -  Osteology of Darevskia defilippi (CAMERANO, 1877) raises doubts: Is it really a close relative of Darevskia raddei (BOETTGER, 1892)? -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 25 (1/2): 72-74.  

  • Boettger, O. (1880) -  Die Reptilien und Batrachier Transcaspiens. -  Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, Jena, 3 (6): 871-972.  

  • Boettger, O. (1893) -  Katalog der Reptilien-Sammlung im Museum der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main, I. Teil (Phynchocephalen, Schildkröten, Krokodile, Eidechsen, Chamäleons). -  Gebrüder Knauer, Frankfurt. 140 pp.  

  • Borkin, L.Ya. & Darevsky, I.S. (1987) -  List of amphibians and reptiles of the USSR fauna // Amphibians and reptiles of protected areas. -  Collection of scientific papers. Moscow: Central Research Institute of Glavokhoty of the RSFSR: 128-141.  

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  • Boulenger, G.A. (1920) -  Monograph of the Lacertidae. Vol. I. -  British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology. London. 352 pp.    

  • Brehm, A.E. (1902) -  I Lacertidi (Lacertidae). -  In: La vita degli Animali Volume settimo: Rettili e Anfibi. Ins Italienische übersetzt von M. Lessona. Unione Tipografico Editrice, Torino: 133-162, mit Farbtafel “Lucertola dei Muri”.   

  • Camerano, L. (1877) -  Considerazioni sul genere Lacerta Linn. e descrizione di due nuove specie. -  Atti della Reale Accademia delle scienze di Torino, 13: 1-22.  

  • Clark, R.J. & Clark, E.D. & Anderson, S.C. (1966) -  Report on two small collections of reptiles from Iran. -  Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Science, 55: 1-9.  

  • Danielyan, F.D. (1965) -  Mechanisms of reproductive isolation in some Armenian forms of rock lizards (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann). -  Biological Journal of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, 18 (10): 75-80.   

    Даниелян, Ф.Д. (1965) -  Механизм репродуктивной изоляции у некоторых форм скальной ящерицы (Lacepta saxicola Eversmann), распространенных в Армении. -  Биологический журнал Армении, 18 (10): 75-80.   

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1957) -  Systematics and ecology of rock lizards (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann), common in Armenia. -  Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR - Zoological collection, Yerevan, Armenia, 10: 27-57.  

    Даревский, И.С. (1957) -  Систематика и экология скальных ящериц Lacerta saxicola Eversmann, распространенных в Армении. -  Академия наук Армянской ССР - Зоологический сборник, 10: 27-58.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1966) -  Natural parthenogenesis in a polymoprphic group of Caucasian rock lizards related to Lacerta saxicola Eversmann. -  Journal of the Ohio Herpetological Society, 5 (4): 115-152.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1978) -  Lacerta saxicola defilippii Camerano, 1877. – In: Rock lizards of the Caucasus. (Systematic, ecology and phylogenesis of the polymorphic groups of rock lizards of the subgenus Archaeolacerta) -  Leningrad, Nauka Press. p. 63-65.   

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Eiselt, J. & Lukina, G.P. (1984) -  Rock lizards of the Lacerta saxicola EVERSMANN group of Northern Iran. -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, 124: 102-108.  

  • Eiselt, J. (1995) -  Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Archaeolacerten (sensu MÉHELY, 1909) des Iran. -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 8 (1/2): 59-72.    

  • Freitas, S. & Westram, A.M. & Schwander, T. & Arakelyan, M. & Ilgaz, C. & Kumlutas, Y. & Harris, D.J. & Carretero, M.A. & Butlin, R.K. (2022) -  Parthenogenesis in Darevskia lizards: A rare outcome of common hybridization, not a common outcome of rare hybridization. -  Evolution (early view) doi:10.1111/evo.14462, 16 pp     

  • Freitas, S.M.R.N. de (2017) -  Why Sex? Darevskia answers. -  Programa Doutoral em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução. Universidade do Porto. 245 p.     

  • Frynta, D. & Moravec, J. & Čiháková, J. & Sádlo, J. & Hodková, Z. & Kaftan, M. & Kodym, P. & Král, D. & Pitule, V. & Šejna, V. (1997) -  Results of the Czech biological expedition to Iran. Part 1. Notes on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles. -  Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, Prague, 61: 3-17.  

  • Grechko, V.V. et al. (1997) -  Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of Highly Repetitive DNA as a Phylogenetic Tool. -  Journal of Molecular Evolution, 45: 332-336.    

  • Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. & Cavalcanti, M.J. (2022) -  Species richness and areas of endemism of Lacertidae and Gekkonidae (Reptilia: Squamata) in Iran. -  Journal of Wildlife & Biodiversity 7: xx-xx (early view).    

  • Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. & Nabizadeh, H. & Grismer, L.L. (2022) -  Ecomorphological differences among forest and rock dwelling species of Darevskia Arribas, 1999 (Squamata, Lacertide) in the Elburz Mountains, Iran. -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 35: 245-256.    

  • Iryshkov, E.S. & Solovyeva, E.N. & Arakelyan, M.S. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. & Moaddab, M. & Milto, K.D. & Galoyan, E.A. (2023) -  Phylogeny and geographic distribution of rock lizards (Lacertidae, Reptilia) in Alborz mountain range. -  Current Studies in Herpetology, 23 (3–4): 93-101.    

  • Kafash, A. & Ashrafi, S. & Ohler, A. (2018) -  Environmental factors explaining the height distribution of lizards in Iran. Case Study of the Family Lacertidae. -  Natural Environment, Natural Resources of Iran, 71 (4): 495-508.  

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  • Lantz, L.A. (1923) -  Hermaphroditisme partiel chez Lacerta saxicola. -  Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 48: 289-290.  

  • Lantz, L.A. & Cyrén, O. (1936) -  Contribution à la connaissance de Lacerta saxicola Eversmann. -  Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 61: 159-181.  

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    С.Н. Литвинчукa, Н.Д. Аксеновa, Л.Я. Боркинc, И.В. Доронинc, В.О. Ерашкинd, А.А. Кидов (2024) -  Изменчивость размера генома у диплоидных и полиплоидных скальных ящериц рода Darevskia (Lacertidae, Squamata) -  Зоологический Журнал, 103 (11): 60-73.    

  • Mayer, W. & Bischoff, W. (2001) -  Lacertidae-Literatur 1998 -  Die Eidechse, , 12 (1): 26-28.  

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  • Mikaili, P. & Shayegh, J. (2011) -  An Etymological Review of the Lizards of Iran: Families Lacertidae, Scincidae, Uromastycidae, Varanidae. -  International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3 (5): 322-329.    

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  • Nilson, G. & Ananjeva, N. & Orlov, N. & Papenfuss, T. & Bafti, S.S. & Anderson, S.C. (2009) -  Darevskia defilippii. -  The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T164716A5920117. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN. UK.2009.RLTS.T164716A5920117.en.   

  • Noori, S. & Hawlitschek, O. & Oldeland, J. & Rajaei, H. & Husemann, M. & Simoes, M. (2021) -  Biodiversity modelling reveals a significant gap between diversity hotspots and protected areas for Iranian reptiles. -  J Zool Syst Evol Res. 59: 1642–1655.    

  • Panner, T. & Zönnchen, F. & Auer, M. (2020) -  Eine herpetologische Reise in den Nordwest-Iran Teil II: Unterwegs bei Täbriz, Zanjan, Manjil und Teheran.  -  Die Eidechse, Magdeburg/Hamburg, 31 (3): 83-90.  

  • Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Kami, H.G. & Rajabizadeh, M. & Shafiei, S. & Anderson, S.C. (2008) -  Annotated Checklist of Amphibians and Reptiles of Iran. -  Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics, 4 (1): 7-30.    

  • Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Karamiani, R. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. (2011) -  Review on the Iranian species of Darevskia (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Abstract book of the 16th SEH European Congress of Herpetology & DGHT Deutscher Herpetologentag (25th to 29th September 2011, Luxembourg & Trier). p. 120.    

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