Darevskia saxicola   (EVERSMANN, 1834)

Darevskia saxicola   (EVERSMANN, 1834)

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  • Ananjeva, N.B. & Borkin, L.Y. & Darevsky, I.S. & Orlov, N.L. (1998) -  Amphibii i presmykajushchiesya. (Field Guide of amphibians and reptiles of Russia and adjacent countries). -  AFB, Moscow. 574 pp.  

  • Ananjeva, N.B. & Orlov, N.L. & Khalikov, R.G. & Darevsky, I.S. & Ryabov, S.A. & Barabanov, A.V. (2006) -  Rock Lizard Darevskia saxicola (EVERSMANN, 1834). -  In: The Reptiles of Northern Eurasia. Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, Bulgaria. pp. 88-89.    

  • Andronikov, V.B. Danielyan, F.D. & Passinkova, R.A. (1994) -  Role of phylogenetic relations and conditions of habitat of lizards of „Lacerta saxicola“ complex in formation of the heat resistance level of tissue as specific character. -  Russian Journal of Herpetology, Moscow, 1 (1): 53-59.  

  • Arnold, E.N. (1973) -  Relationships of the Palaearctic lizards assigned to the genera Lacerta, Algyroides and Psammodromus (Reptilia: Lacertidae). -  Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, London, 25 (8): 289-366.    

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  • Basoglu, M. & I. Baran (1977) -  Lacertidae.  -  In: The reptiles of Turkey.Part I. The turtles and lizards (Taxonomy and distribution, key for identification). – Ege Universitesi Fen Fakültesi Kitaplar Serisi No. 76. – Ilker Matbaasi, Bornove – Izmir. Pp.74-146, 262-270.   

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  • Bedriaga, J. von (1886) -  Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lacertiden-Familie. (Lacerta, Algiroides, Tropidosaura, Zerzumia und Bettaia). -  Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 14: 17-443.    

  • Beyer, T.V. (1968) -  Cytochemical studies on the haemogregarines of Armenian reptiles. I. DNA in the nuclei of some Karyolsus species from the rock lizards Lacerta armeniaca and Lacerta saxicola. -  Acta Protozoologica, 6: 79-86.  

  • Bird, C.G. (1936) -  The distribution of Reptiles and Amphibians in Asiatic Turkey, with notes on a Collection from the Vilayets of Adana, Gaziantep and Malatya. -  The Annals and magazine of natural history, (10) 18: 257-281.  

  • Bischoff, W. (1973) -  Echsen des Kaukasus 3. Die Felseidechse, Lacerta saxicola Eversmann 1834. -  Aquarien Terrarien, 20 (12): 406-409.  

  • Bischoff, W. (1973) -  Einiges zur Winterruhe bei Lacerten. -  Aquarien und Terrarien, 20: 350-351.  

  • Bischoff, W. (1978) -  Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Echsen des Kaukasus. -  Salamandra, Frankfurt/Main, 14 (4): 178-202.    

  • Bodenheimer, F.S. (1944) -  Introduction into the knowledge of the Amphibia and Reptilia of Turkey.  -  Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Universite d’Istanbul, Ser. B. 9: 1-78.  

  • Bonaparte, C.L. (1839) -  Amphibia Europaea - Ad Systema Nostrum Vertebratorum Ordinata. -  Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Serie 2, Tomo 2. 72 pp.  

  • Borkin, L.Ya. & Darevsky, I.S. (1987) -  List of amphibians and reptiles of the USSR fauna // Amphibians and reptiles of protected areas. -  Collection of scientific papers. Moscow: Central Research Institute of Glavokhoty of the RSFSR: 128-141.  

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  • Boulenger, G.A. (1907) -  Remarks on Prof. L. von Méhely´s paper “Zur Lösung der ´Muralis-Frage`”. -  The Annals and magazine of natural history, (7) 20: 39-46.  

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1910) -  Remarks on Prof. L. von Méhely´s recent contribution to the knowledge of the lizards allied to Lacerta muralis. -  The Annals and magazine of natural history, (8) 5: 247-256.  

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1913) -  Second contribution to our knowledge of the varieties of the wall-lizard (Lacerta muralis). -  Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 20 (3): 135-230.  

  • Boulenger, G.A. (1920) -  Monograph of the Lacertidae. Vol. I. -  British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology. London. 352 pp.    

  • Brehm, A.E. (1902) -  I Lacertidi (Lacertidae). -  In: La vita degli Animali Volume settimo: Rettili e Anfibi. Ins Italienische übersetzt von M. Lessona. Unione Tipografico Editrice, Torino: 133-162, mit Farbtafel “Lucertola dei Muri”.   

  • Brown, R.P. (2005) -  Large Subunit Mitochondrial rRNA Secondary Structures and Site-Specific Rate Variation in Two Lizard Lineages -  Journal of Molecular Evolution, 60 (1): 45-56    

  • Bülbül, U. & Kurnaz, M. & Eroğlu, A.I. & Koc, H. & Kutrup, B. (2016) -  Body size and age structure of the endangered Clark’s lizard (Darevskia clarkorum) populations from two different altitudes in Turkey. -  Amphibia-Reptilia 37 (4): 450-456.     

  • Capriglione, T. & Cardone, A. & Odierna, G. & Olmo, E. (1994) -  Further data on the occurrence and evolution of satellite DNA families in the lacertid genome. -  Chromosome Research, Dordrecht, 2 (4): 327-330.     

  • Ciobanu, D.G. & Grechko, V.V. & Darevsky, I.S. (2003) -  Molecular Evolution of Satellite DNA CLsat in Lizards from the Genus Darevskia (Sauria: Lacertidae): Correlation with Species Diversity. -  Russian Journal of Genetics, Moscow, 39 (11): 1292-1305.    

    Чобану Д.Г., Гречко В.В., Даревский И.С. (2003) -  Молекулярная эволюция сателлитной ДНК CLSAT ящериц рода Darevskia (Sauria: Laeertidae): корреляция с видовым разнообразием. -  Генетика, 39 (11): 1527-1541.  

  • Ciobanu, D.G. & Roudykh, I.A. & Ryabinina, N.L. & Grechko, V.V. & Kramerov, D.A. & Darevsky, I.S. (2002) -  Reticulate Evolution of Parthenospecies of the Lacertidae Rock Lizards: Inheritance of CLsat Tandem Repeats and Anonymous RAPD Markers. -  Molecular Biology, Moscow, 36 (2): 223-231    

  • Clark, R.J. & Clark, E.D. (1973) -  Collection of Amphibians and Reptiles from Turkey. -  Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 104: 1-62.  

  • Czernay (1851) -  Beobachtungen gesammelt auf Reisen im Chakowschen und den anliegenden Gouvernements in den Jahren 1848 und 1849. -  Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1851 (1): 269-280.   

  • Danielyan, F.D. (1965) -  Mechanisms of reproductive isolation in some Armenian forms of rock lizards (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann). -  Biological Journal of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, 18 (10): 75-80.   

    Даниелян, Ф.Д. (1965) -  Механизм репродуктивной изоляции у некоторых форм скальной ящерицы (Lacepta saxicola Eversmann), распространенных в Армении. -  Биологический журнал Армении, 18 (10): 75-80.   

  • Danielyan, F.D. (1967) -  New data on the ranges of certain subspecies of rock lizards (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann) in Armenia (in Russian). -  Biological Journal of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia, 20 (6): 99-102.  

    Даниелян, Ф.Д. (1967) -  Новые данные о распространении некоторых подвидов скальной ящерицы (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann) в пределах Армении. -  Биологический журнал Армении, 20 (6): 99-102.   

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1958) -  Natural parthenogenesis in some subspecies of the rock lizard (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann), widespread in Armenia. -  Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 122 (4): 730-732.  

    Даревский И.С. (1958) -  Естественный партеногенез у некоторых подвидов скальной ящерицы (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann), распространенных в Армении -  Доклады Академии наук СССР, 122 (4): 730-732.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1960) -  Monsters of the rock lizard Lacerta saxicola Eversmann developing parthenogenetically. -  Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 132 (1): 234-237.   

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1962) -  On the origin and the biological role of natural parthenogenesis in the polymorphic group of Caucasian rock lizards Lacerta saxicola Eversmann. -  Зоологический журнал - Zoological Journal, 41: 397-408.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1965) -  Bemerkungen zu einigen von Herrn H. Steiner in der nordöstlichen Türkei gesammelten Feleidechsen (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann). -  Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 68: 383-386.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1966) -  Natural parthenogenesis in a polymoprphic group of Caucasian rock lizards related to Lacerta saxicola Eversmann. -  Journal of the Ohio Herpetological Society, 5 (4): 115-152.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1967) -  On the taxonomic status of parthenogenetic forms of rock lizards (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann) as related to the application of species criteria to Agamic species. -  Russian Journal of Zoology, 46 (3): 413-419.    

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1978) -  Lacerta saxicola saxicola Eversmann, 1934. -  In: Rock lizards of the Caucasus. (Systematic, ecology and phylogenesis of the polymorphic groups of rock lizards of the subgenus Archaeolacerta). – Leningrad, Nauka Press. p 38-44.   

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1984) -  Lacerta saxicola Eversmann 1834 - Felseidechse. -  In: Böhme, W. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 2/I Echsen II (Lacerta). 345-361.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. (1997) -  Lacerta saxicola Eversmann, 1834. -  In: Gasc, J.-P. et al. (eds.): Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe, Paris, Societas Europaea Herpetologica and Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. 258-259.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Danielyan, F.D. (1968) -  Diploid and triploid progeny arising from natural mating of parthenogenetic Lacerta armeniaca and L. unisexualis with bisexual L. saxicola valentini. -  Journal of Herpetology, 2 (3-4): 65-69.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Eiselt, J. (1967) -  Ein neuer Name für Lacerta saxicola mehelyi, Lantz und Cyrén, 1936. -  Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 70: 107.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Eiselt, J. & Lukina, G.P. (1984) -  Rock lizards of the Lacerta saxicola EVERSMANN group of Northern Iran. -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, 124: 102-108.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Grechko, V.V. & Kupriyanova, L.A. (2009) -  Lizards breeding without males. -  Priroda, 2000 (9): 61-68.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Krasilnikov, E.N. (1965) -  Certain traits of the blood cells of triploid hybrids of rock lizards Lacerta saxicola Eversmann. -  Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 164: 709-711.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Kulikova, W.N. (1961) -  Natürliche Parthenogenese in der polymorphen Gruppe der kaukasischen Felseidechse (Lacerta saxicola EVERSMANN). -  Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, Jena, 89: 119-176.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Kulikova, W.N. (1962) -  Taxonomical characters and certain pecularities of the oogenesis of the hybrids between bisexual and parthenogenetical forms of Lacerta saxicola EVERSMANN. -  Citologija, Moskwa, 4: 160-170.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Kulikova, W.N. (1964) -  Natural triploidy in a polymorphic group of rock lizards Lacerta saxicola Eversmann resulting from hybridization between bisexual and parthenogenetic forms of this species. -  Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 136: 202-205.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Lukina, G.P. (1977) -  Skalnyje jascericy gruppy Lacerta saxicola (Sauria, Lacertidae), sobrannyje w predjelach Turcii Ricardom i Erikoj Klark. -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, 74: 60-63.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Lukina, G.P. (1977) -  Rock lizards of the Lacerta saxicola Eversmann group (Sauria, Lacertidae) collected in Turkey by Richard and Erica Clark. -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R.: 60-63.  

  • Darevsky, I.S. & Vedmederja, W.I. (1977) -  A new species of Rock lizard, Lacerta saxicola EVERSMANN-Group from northeastern Turkey and adjoining regions of Adjaria. -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, 74: 50-54.  

  • Davies, R.S. (1984) -  The lacertid lizards (part four). -  The Herptile - Journal of the International Herpetological Society, 9 (4): 126-130.  

  • Diesener, G. & Reichholf, J. (1986) -  Felsensidechse Lacerta saxicola. -  In: Lurche und Kriechtiere. Mosaik, München: 156-157.   

  • Dobrovolskaja, H. (1964) -  Biometrical analysis of the Armenian subspecies of the Rock-Lizard (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann. In application of mathematical methods in biology. -  Leningrad Univ. Press., 3: 70-74. (in Russisch)  

  • Doronin, I.V. (2012) -  Review of type specimens of Rock lizards of Darevskia (saxicola) complex (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 316 (1): 22-39.  

    И.В. Доронин (2012) -  Обзор типовых экземпляров скальных ящериц комплекса Darevskia (saxicola) (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Труды Зоологического института РАН, 316 (1): 22-39.    

  • Doronin, I.V. (2012) -  Te use of GIS for the analysis of the distribution of rock lizards Darevskia (saxicola) complex (Sauria: Lacertidae) -  Current Studies in Herpetology, Saratov, Russia, 12 (3-4): 91-122.   

    Доронин И.В. (2012) -  Использование геоинформационных систем для анализа распространения скальных ящериц комплекса Darevskia (saxicola) (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Современная герпетология, 12 (3-4): 91-122.     

  • Doronin, I.V. (2015) -  Systematics, phylogeny and distribution of rock lizards supra-specific complexes Darevskia (praticola), Darevskia (caucasica) and Darevskia (saxicola). -  Dissertation - Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 371 pp.  

    Доронин И.В. (2015) -  Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки зоологический институт российской академии наук -  Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата биологических наук, Федеральное Государственное Бюджетное Учреждение Науки Зоологический Институт Pоссийской Aкадемии Hаук. 371 pp.    

  • Doronin, I.V. & Ermolina, L.P. (2012) -  Herpetological collection of the Zoological Museum of Stavropol State University. 2. Reptiles (Reptilia). Role of some researchers in its formation. -  Current Studies in Herpetology, Saratov, Russia, 12 (1-2): 27-39.  

    Доронин И.В., Ермолина Л.П. (2012) -  Герпетологическая коллекция зоологического музея Ставропольского Государственного Университета. 2. Рептилии (Reptilia). роль различных исследователей в ее формировании. -  Современная герпетология, 12 (1-2): 27-39.    

  • Doronin, I.V. & Tuniyev, B.S. & Kukushkin, O.V. (2013) -  Differentiation and taxonomy of the rock lizards Darevskia (saxicola) complex (Sauria: Lacertidae) according to morphological and molecular analyses. -  Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 317 (1): 54-84.  

    И.В. Доронин, Б.С. Туниев и О.В. Кукушкин (2013) -  Дифференциация и систематика скальных ящериц комплекса Darevskia (Saxicola) (Sauria: Lacertidae) по данным морфологического и молекулярного анализов. -  Труды Зоологического института РАН, 317 (1): 54-84.    

  • Dunaev, E.A. & Orlova, V.F. (2017) -  Amphibians and reptiles of Russia. Determinant atlas. -  Phyton XXI, Moscow. 328 pp.  

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  • Dzhelali, P.A. & Doronin, I.V. & Lotiev, K.Y. & Mazanaeva, L.F. & Mustafifaeva, G.A. & Bunyatova, S.N. (2021) -  Application of genetic methods for species delimitation in rock lizards of Darevskia (caucasica) complex (Lacertidae: Sauria). -  In: Dunayev, E.A. & N.A. Poyarkov et al. (ed.): Problems of Herpetology Program and abstracts of the VIII congress of the A.M. Nikolsky Herpetological Society (NHS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Current herpetological research in Eurasia” October 3-9. 2021. Moscow. pp. 84-86. (in Russisch)   

  • Eiselt, J. (1965) -  Einige Amphibien und Reptilien aus der nordöstlichen Türkei, gesammelt von Herrn H. Steiner. -  Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 68: 387-399.  

  • Eversmann, E. (1834) -  Description Darevskia p. praticola. -  In: “Lacertae Imperii Rossici variis in itineribus meis observatae. [Lacerta sylvicola]” Nouveaux mémoires de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou, 3: 339-358.   

  • Eversmann, E. (1834) -  Lacertae imperii Rossici variis in itineribus meis observatae. -  Nouveaux Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 3 (2): 337-369.  

  • Fedorov, A.N. & Fedorova, L.V. & Grechko, V.V. & Ryabinin, D.M. & Sheremet`eva, V.A. & Bannikova, A.A. & Lomov, A.A. & Ryskov, A.P. & Darevsky, I.S. (1999) -  Variable and Invariable DNA Repeat Characters Revealed by Taxonprint Approach Are Useful for Molecular Systematics. -  Journal of Molecular Evolution, 48: 69-76.    

  • Fitch, H.S. (1970) -  Lacertidae. -  Reproductive Cycles of Lizards and Snakes. Miscellaneous Publications of University of Kansas, 52: 102-107.  

  • Freitas, S. & Westram, A.M. & Schwander, T. & Arakelyan, M. & Ilgaz, C. & Kumlutas, Y. & Harris, D.J. & Carretero, M.A. & Butlin, R.K. (2022) -  Parthenogenesis in Darevskia lizards: A rare outcome of common hybridization, not a common outcome of rare hybridization. -  Evolution (early view) doi:10.1111/evo.14462, 16 pp     

  • Freitas, S.M.R.N. de (2017) -  Why Sex? Darevskia answers. -  Programa Doutoral em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução. Universidade do Porto. 245 p.     

  • Fu, J. & Murphy, R.W. & Darevsky, I.S. (1997) -  Towards the phylogeny of Caucasian rock lizards: implications from mitochondrial DNA gene sequences. -  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 120 (4): 463-477.    

  • Galoyan, E.A. (2007) -  The diversity of male space use in Lacerta saxicola in the deciduous forests of the Navagir mountain ridge. -  14th European Congress of Herpetology and SEH Ordinary General Meeting, 19-23 September 2007, Porto, Portugal. p. 72.  

  • Glandt, D. (2010) -  Darevskia saxicola (EVERSMANN, 1834) Felseidechse. -  In: Taschenlexikon der Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. Alle Arten von den Kanarischen Inseln bis zum Ural. Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim. S. 297-299.  

  • Gorman, G.C. (1969) -  New Chromosome Data for 12 Species of Lacertid Lizards. -  Journal of Herpetology, 3 (1/2): 49-54.  

  • Grechko, V.V. & Ciobanu, D.G. & Darevsky, I.S. & Kosushkin, S.A. & Kramerov, D.A. (2006) -  Molecular evolution of satellite DNA repeats and speciation of lizards of the genus Darevskia (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Genome, 49 (10): 1297–1307.    

  • Grechko, V.V. & Ryabinin, D.M. & Fedorova, L.V. & Fedorov, A.N. & Ryskov, A.P. & Darevsky, I.S. (1997) -  Parentage of Caucasian parthenogenetic rock lizard species (Lacerta) as revealed by restriction endonuclease analysis of highly repetitive DNA. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 18 (4): 407-418.    

  • Grechko, V.V. et al. (1997) -  Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of Highly Repetitive DNA as a Phylogenetic Tool. -  Journal of Molecular Evolution, 45: 332-336.    

  • Harris, D.J. & Arnold, E.N. & Thomas, R.H. (1998) -  Relationships of lacertid lizards (Reptilia: Lacertidae) estimated from mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphology. -  Proceedings of the Royal Society, 265: 1939-1948.    

  • Hellmich, W. (1969) -  Bemerkungen zur Tiergeographie und Ökologie des Vansee-Beckens in Ost-Anatolien. -  Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München, 13: 143-154.   

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  • Kidov A.A. (2021) -  Reproductive biology of the rock lizard (Darevskia saxicola, Reptilia, Lacertidae). -  Biology Bulletin, 48 (8): 1314–1318.    

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