Podarcis bocagei   (LOPEZ-SEOANE, 1885)

Podarcis bocagei   (LOPEZ-SEOANE, 1885)

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  • Aellen, V. (1952) -  Contribution à I`herpetologie du Maroc. -  Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 31: 153-199.   

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  • Alves Cardoso dos Santos, L.E. & Carretero, M.A. (2023) -  Activity patterns and microhabitat use of the wall lizard Podarcis bocagei inhabiting agricultural stone walls. -  In: Miranda Chueca, M.A. & E. Montes Vadillo (eds.). Invasiones Biológicas en Islas XVII Congreso Luso-Español de Herpetología y XXI Congreso Español de Herpetología - Libro de resúmenes: 104.    

  • Amaral, M.J. & Bicho, R.C. & Carretero, M.A. & Sanchez-Hernandez, J.C. & Faustino, A.M.R. & Soares, A.M.V.M. & Mann, R.M. (2012) -  The use of a lacertid lizard as a model for reptile ecotoxicology studies: Part 2 – Biomarkers of exposure and toxicity among pesticide exposed lizards. -  Chemosphere, 87 (7): 765–774.    

  • Amaral, M.J. & Bicho, R.C. & Carretero, M.A. & Sánchez-Hernández, J.C. & Faustino, A.M.R. & Soares, A.M.V.M. & Mann, R.M. (2012) -  The usefulness of mecocosms for ecotoxicity testing with lacertid lizards. -  Acta Herpetologica, 7 (2): 263-280.    

  • Amaral, M.J. & Carretero, M., & Bicho, R. & Soares, A. & Mann, R. (2010) -  Efeitos de exposiçao a pesticidas agrícolas em Podarcis bocagei. -  In: Andreu, A.C., Beltrán, J.F. & M. Tejedo (eds.): XI Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia: p. 89.   

  • Amaral, M.J. & Carretero, M.A. & Agra, A.R. & Soares, A.M.V.M. & Mann, R.M. (2008) -  A tired approach to reptile ecotoxicology in Europe using lacertids assentinal organisms. -  In: Pafilis, P., Kotsakiozi, P. & E.D. Valakos (eds.): 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 23-27 June 2008, Mythimna, Lesvos, Greece: 14.    

  • Amaral, M.J. & Carretero, M.A. & Bicho, R.C. & Soares, A.M.V.M. & Mann, R.M. (2012) -  The use of a lacertid lizard as a model for reptile ecotoxicology studies - Part 1 Field demographics and morphology. -  Chemosphere, 87 (7): 757-764.    

  • Amaral, M.J. & Sanchez-Hernandez, J.C. & Bicho, R.C. & Carretero, M.A. & Valente, R. & Faustino, A.M.R. & Soares, A.M.V.M. & Mann, R.M. (2012) -  Biomarkers of exposure and effect in a lacertid lizard (Podarcis bocagei Seoane) exposed to chlorpyrifos. -  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31 (10): 2345–2353.    

  • Amaral, M.J. & Sánchez-Hernández, J.J. & Carretero, M. & Bicho, R. & Soares, A. & Mann, R. (2010) -  Respostas de biomarcadores bioquímicas num Lacertídeo (Podarcis bocagei) apos exposiçao a clorpirifos.  -  In: Andreu, A.C., Beltrán, J.F. & M. Tejedo (eds.): XI Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia: 163-164.   

  • Amaral, M.J. Aires do (2012) -  Lacertid lizards as bioindicators of agricultural contamination -  Thesis Universidade de Aveiro: 167pp.    

  • Amaral,.J. & Carretero, M.A. & Bico, R.C. & Sanchéz-Hernandez, J.C. & Guarino, F.M. & Valente, R. & Faustino, A.M.R. & Soares, A.M.V.M. & Mann, R.M. (2011) -  Lacertid lizards as bioindicators of pesticide exposure and toxicity in agricultural areas. -  Abstract book of the 16th SEH European Congress of Herpetology & DGHT Deutscher Herpetologentag (25th to 29th September 2011, Luxembourg & Trier). p. 25.     

  • Antunes, P. & Vicente, L. (2004) -  Evaluating the sampling effort of Natural History Museum collections: The case of Portuguese lacertids from the collections of the Museu Bocage. -  In: Pérez-Mellado, V., Riera, N. & A. Perera (eds.): The Biology of Lacertid Lizards. Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives. Institut Menorqui d´Estudis. Recerca, 8: 159-164.     

  • Argana, E. & Sillero, N. (2011) -  GIS and GPS application for the study of home ranges of sympatric Iberian lizards. -  Abstract book of the 16th SEH European Congress of Herpetology & DGHT Deutscher Herpetologentag (25th to 29th September 2011, Luxembourg & Trier). pp. 26-27.     

  • Arnold, E.N. (1986) -  The hemipenis of lacertid lizards (Reptilia:Lacertidae): structure, variation and systematic implications. -  Journal of Natural History, London, 20: 1221-1257.  

  • Arnold, E.N. (1987) -  Resource partition among lacertid lizards in southern Europe. -  Journal of Zoology, London, (B) 1 (4): 739-782.    

  • Arntzen, J.W. & Sá-Sousa, P. (2007) -  Morphological and genetical differentiation of lizards (Podarcis bocagei and P. hispanica) in the Ria de Arosa Archipelago (Galicia, Spain) resulting from vicariance and occasional dispersal. -  In: Renema, W. (ed.): Biogeography, Time, and Place: Distributions, Barriers, and Islands, 29: 365-401.  

  • Arribas, O.J. (1999) -  Phylogeny and relationships of the Mountain lizards of Europe and Near East (Archaeolacerta MERTENS, 1921 sensu lato) and their relationships among the Eurasian lacertid radiation. -  Russian Journal of Herpetology, 6 (1): 1-22.  

  • Ayres-Fernández, C. (2020) -  Un exemplar de morfo concolor de Podarcis bocagei (López-Seoane 1884) (Lacertidae, Squamata) - Concolor morph of Podarcis bocagei (López-Seoane 1884) (Lacertidae, Squamata). -  Braña, 18: 1-2.   

  • Ayres, C. (2020) -  Arboreal behaviour in a coastal population of Bocage’s Wall Lizard (Podarcis bocagei). -  Pod@rcis n.s. 11 (2): 59-60.    

  • Ayres, C. (2021) -  Predation on a Bocage’s Wall Lizard (Podarcis bocagei) by a House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). -  Reptiles & Amphibians, 28(3): 420.  

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  • Bandeira, V.J. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. & Carretero, M.A. (2009) -  Podarcis bocagei (Bocage’s Wall Lizard) spinal fracture.  -  Herpetological Review, Lawrence, 40 (3): 348-349.   

  • Bank, J., Kruyntjens, B. & P. Paulissen (1982) -  Herpetologische waarnemingen in Portugal. -  Lacerta, 40 (6): 108-111.    

  • Barahona, F. & Barbadillo, L. (1997) -  Identification of some Iberian lacertids using skull characters. -  Revista Española de Herpetología 11: 47-62.  

  • Barahona, F. & Barbadillo, L. J. (1998) -  Inter- and intraspecific variation of the inter- and intraspecific variation of the post-natal skull of some lacertid lizards. -  Journal of Zoology, London, 245 (4): 393-405.    

  • Barbadillo, L.J. & Bauwens, D. (1997) -  Sexual dimorphism of tail length in lacertid lizards: test of a morphological constraint hypothesis. -  Journal of Zoology, 242 (3): 473-482.    

  • Barbadillo, L.J. & Lacomba, J.I. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Sancho, V. & López-Jurado, L.F. (1999) -  Lagartija de bocage Podarcis bocagei (Seoane, 1884). -  In: Barbadillo, L.J., Lacomba, J.I., Pérez-Mellado, V., Sancho, V. & L.F. López-Jurado (eds.): Anfibios y Reptiles de la Península Ibérica, Baleares y Canarias. pp. 288-290.   

  • Barbadillo, L.J. & Sánchez-Herráiz, M.J. & Galán, P. (1993) -  Tamaño de puesta en Podarcis bocagei bocagei (Reptilia, Lacertidae). -  Doñana, Acta Vertebrata, 20 (1): 94-97.   

  • Barbosa, D. & Desfilis, E. & Carretero, M.A. & Font, E. (2004) -  Chemically-mediated species recognition in Podarcis lizards. -  In: Corti, C. & P. Lo Cascio (eds.): 5th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 7-11 May 2004, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy: 6.   

  • Barbosa, D. & Desfilis, E. & Carretero, M.A. & Font, E. (2005) -  Chemical stimuli mediate species recognition in Podarcis wall lizards. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 26 (2): 257-263.  

  • Barbosa, D. & Font, E. & Desfilis, E. & Carretero, M.A. (2006) -  Chemically Mediated Species Recognition in Closely Related Podarcis Wall Lizards. -  Journal of Chemical Ecology, 32 (7): 1587-1598.    

  • Barbosa, D. & Font, E. & Desfilis, E. & Ribeiro, R. & Carretero, M.A. (2008) -  Reproductive isolation in Iberian Podarcis: What do field and lab studies tell us? -  In: Pafilis, P., Kotsakiozi, P. & E.D. Valakos (eds.): 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 23-27 June 2008, Mythimna, Lesvos, Greece: 16-17.    

  • Barbosa, D. & Font, E. & Ribeiro, R. & Desfilis, E. & Carretero, M.A. (2007) -  Reproduction isolation in Iberian Podarcis species complex: An overview. -  14th European Congress of Herpetology and SEH Ordinary General Meeting, 19-23 September 2007, Porto, Portugal. p. 47.  

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  • Bassitta, M. & Buades, J.M. & Pérez-Cembranos, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Terrasa, R.P. & Brown, P. & Navarro, P. & Lluch, J. & Ortega, J. & Castro, J.A. & Picornell, A. & Ramon, C. (2020) -  Multilocus and morphological analysis of south-eastern Iberian Wall lizards (Squamata, Podarcis). -  Zool. Scripta, 2020. DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12450 (early view) 16 pp.    

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  • Bicho, R.C. & Amaral, M.J. & Faustino, A.M.R. & Rema, A. & Carretero, M.A. & Soares, A.M.V.M. & Mann, R.M. (2012) -  Thyroid disruption in the lizard Podarcis bocagei exposed to a mixture of herbicides: A field study. -  Ecotoxicology, 22 (1): 156-165.  

  • Böhme, W. & Corti, C. (1993) -  Zoogeography of the lacertid lizards of the western Mediterranean basin. -  In: Valakos, E.D., Böhme, W., Pérez-Mellado, V. & Maragou, P. (eds.): Lacertids of the Mediterranean region, a Biological approach, Athens: 17-33.  

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  • Bowker, R.G. & Bowker, G.E. & Wright, C. & Clark, D. (2001) -  Movement patterns of the lizard Podarcis bocagei (Reptilia: Lacertidae). -  In: Vicente, L. & E.G. Crespo (eds.): Mediterranean Basin Lacertid Lizards – A Biological Approach. Abstracts. p. 129.  

  • Bowker, R.G. & Wright, C.L. & Bowker, G.E. (1998) -  The relationship between thermoregulation and lifestyle in three species of lacertid lizards. -  In: Janev, B., Grbac, I., Lupret-Obradović & B. Lazar (eds.): Abstracts of the 3rd International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 25-29 May 1998, Cres, Croatia: 34.  

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  • Braña, F. (1996) -  Sexual dimorphism in lacertid lizards: male head increase vs female abdomen increase? -  Oikos, 75: 511-523.    

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  • Cabo, H. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Carretero, M.A. (2021) -  A functional approach to sexual selection, tested in wall lizards Podarcis bocagei. -  In: Biaggini, M., Carretero, M.A., Corti, C., Lymberakis P. & P. Lo Cascio (eds.): XI International Symposium on Mediterranean Lacertid Lizards, 27/28 Sept. 2021. p. 1  

  • Caeiro-Dias, G. & Brelsford, A. & Crochet, P.A. & Ribeiro, M. & Pinho, C. (2018) -  Differential introgression between two Iberian Podarcis lizards. -  1 p.  

  • Caeiro-Dias, G. & Brelsford, A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. & Carretero, M.A. & Crochet, A. & Pinho, C. (2018) -  Drivers of reproductive isolation in Wall Lizards inferred from comparative analysis of contact zones. -  II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology.Poster.    

  • Caeiro-Dias, G. & Luis, C. & Pinho, C. & Crochet, P.-A. & Sillero, N. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2018) -  Lack of congruence of genetic and niche divergence in Podarcis hispanicus complex. -  J Zool Syst Evol Res. 2018; 1–14. (early view)     

  • Caeiro-Dias, G. & Rocha, S. & Couto, A. & Pereira, C. & Brelsford, A. & Crochet, P.-A. & Pinho, C. (2021) -  Nuclear phylogenies and genomics of a contact zone establish the species rank of Podarcis lusitanicus (Squamata, Lacertidae) -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 164 (2021) 107270    

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  • Carretero, M.A. (2004) -  From set menu to a la carte. Linking issues in trophic ecology of Mediterranean lacertids. -  Italian Journal of Zoology, Supplement 2: 121-133.    

  • Carretero, M.A. (2008) -  An integrated assessment of a group with complex systematics: the Iberomaghrebian lizard genus Podarcis (Squamata, Lacertidae). -  Integrative Zoology, 4: 247–266.    

  • Carretero, M.A. (2008) -  How rigid are preferred temperatures in lacertids? An evolutionary survey in Podarcis. -  In: Pafilis, P., Kotsakiozi, P. & E.D. Valakos (eds.): 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 23-27 June 2008, Mythimna, Lesvos, Greece: 25.     

  • Carretero, M.A. & Cortada, Á. & Damas-Moreira, I. & Zagar, A. & Rato, C. & Perera, A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. & Garcia-Munoz, E. (2014) -  An inconvenient truth? Interpopulation variation but not environmental mirroring in the ecophysiology of a temperate lizard.  -  Oral communication, Abstracts XIII Iberian Congress of Herpetology, Aveiro, Portugal: 40.   

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  • Carretero, M.A. & Ribeiro, R. & Barbosa, D. & Sá-Sousa, P. & Harris, D.J. (2006) -  Spermatogenesis in two Iberian Podarcis lizards: Relationships with male traits. -  Animal Biology, Leiden, 56 (1): 1-12.    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Roca, V. & Larbes, S. & Ferrero, A. & Jorge, F. (2011) -  Intestinal Helminth Parasites of Wall Lizards, Podarcis vaucheri Complex (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Algeria. -  Journal of Herpetology, 45 (3): 385–388.    

  • Carretero, M.A. & Sa-Sousa, P. & Barbosa, D. & Harris, D.J. & Balletto, E. (2002) -  Sintopia estricta entre Podarcis bocagei y P. carbonelli.  -  Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 13 (1/2): 20-24.  

  • Castilla, A.M. & Gosá, A. & Galán, P. & Pérez-Mellado, V. (1999) -  Green tails in lizards of the genus Podarcis: Do they influence the intensity of predation? -  Herpetologica, 55 (4): 530-537.    

  • Castro, M.J. & Bowker, R.G. (1997) -  The use of models in the study of chemoreception and visual stimuli of Podarcis bocagei (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  In: Rocek, Z. & S. Hart (Hrsg.): Herpetology ´97 – Abstracts of the Third World Congress of Herpetology 2-10 August 1997 Prague, Czech Republic:  

  • Crespo, E.G. (1973) -  Sobre a distribuição e ecologia da herpetofauna portuguesa. -  Arquivos do Museu Bocage (2e Ser.) 4 (11): 247-260.     

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  • Domingues, M.J. & Robinson, P.A. & Bowker, R.G. (1992) -  Patterns of intraspecific behavioral interactions in Podarcis bocagei and Cnemidophorus velox. -  In: Korsós, Z. & Kiss, I. (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Budapest 1991: 143-149.    

  • Dominguez, J.F. & Salvador, A (1990) -  Disponibilidad y uso de recursos tróficos por Lacerta schreiberi y Podarcis bocagei en simpatria en una localidad de la Cordillera Cantábrica, España -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 11 (3): 237-246.  

  • Dominguez, J.F. & Salvador, A. (1989) -  Selección de microhábitat en Lacerta schreiberi Bedriaga, 1878 y Podarcis bocagei (Seoane, 1884) en una localidad de la Cordillera Cantábrica, España (Reptilia, Lacertidae). -  Boletin de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural (Sección Biologia), 84: 273-286.  

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  • Fernandez-Rodriguez, I. & Barroso, F.M. & Carretero, M.A. (2021) -  An integrative analysis of the short-term effects of tail autotomy on thermoregulation and dehydration rates in wall lizards. -  Journal of Thermal Biology 99 (2021) 102976 (early view), 8 pp.    

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